
- Oriental Dream
Video, 7 mn 30, 2010 - In collaboration with Damir Niksic
- Piano by Samir Fejzic
- Orientalism breathlessly revisited, or a post-Ottoman tribute to silent slapstick comedy.
- History Lessons, Museum moderner Kunst-Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, 2012 (pgm by Isa Rosenberger)
- Project
35, vol. 2, Independent Curators International, touring 2012-13:
Shanghai Contenporary Art Fair; Art Gallery of Windsor, ON/CA; North
Carolina Museum of Art, NC; VCU Arts Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA;
Fresh Milk Art Platform, Barbados; Künstlerhaus Stuttgart/DE.
- Surplus Authors, Witte de With - Center for contemporary art, Rotterdam, 2012 (cur. Defne Ayas)
- Rythmic Exercises, BWA SOKOL, Nowy Sacz/PL (cur. Michal Kolecek)
- Duplex 10 m2, Sarajevo/BiH, 2011
- Blind Dates, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York, 2010 (cur. by Defne Ayas and Neery Melkonian)